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(4) “Free” vs “gratuit”
També ho trobo una bona idea i no puc evitar pensar en la cançó:
The best things in life are free (com les jams de la bcnswing), i l’escena de Madmen:
The moon belongs to everyone
Best things in life they’re free
Stars belong to everyone
They cling there for you and for me
Flowers in spring
The robins that sings
The sunbeams that shine
They’re yours and their mine
Love can come to everyone
Best things in life they’re free
Una versió per ballar:
the best things in life are free
mad men
ink spots
The moon belongs to everyone
Best things in life they’re free
Stars belong to everyone
They cling there for you and for me
Flowers in spring
The robins that sings
The sunbeams that shine
They’re yours and their mine
Love can come to everyone
Best things in life they’re free
Moon belongs to everyone
The best things in life, they’re free
Stars belong to everyone
They glitter there for you and for me
They are yours and me

(4) altres
debatblack creativity matters
swing, abans i després

Lavilla tulos arpa:
dorothy ashby:
reet petite louis jordan peli sencera, 2′
rose mitchell baby please don’t go, bon blues,
28 desembre
dia mundial de les víctimes de trepitjades i patades
carnet de punts
incempetència més que mala fe

it happened in Harlem
Chris columbo Smalls Paradise, ballairna claqué 11 15:47 Flix Flax
———————- receptes Dakota i Nadia, vídeo ball blues
Colau, ampliació Ciutadella, sonorització, cartell de complet

tenim cançons i lletres per a tots els sentiments
lover man
enamorament all of me, you’re the top,
you say tomato, tu dius tomàquet i jo dic tomata, tu dius patata i jo dic pataca
can’t we be friends
who’s sorry now
goody goody

FM prefaci
house rent parties
slow drag