
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbteWH-3QlY moviments de jazz, ordre alfabètic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBquwkE95p4 Rennie Harris coreògraf hip hop
https://www.facebook.com/HarlemSwingDance/videos/2345398755744080/ ball mig lindy mig hiphop, un afroamericà d’edat
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/07/01/can-modern-dance-be-preserved les companyies mdernes de dansa desapareixen sense l’autor. ll these companies, in their various ways, are struggling with the question of what modern dance actually is. Does the identity of a choreographer’s work reside in the dancers and their specific way of moving, or does it lie in the dances themselves, if such a thing can be conceived of in an art that has no original texts? (Unlike plays or symphonies, dances don’t exist independently of the manner in which they’re danced. There is no score, no script.) And is it more important for us to preserve the steps, or the ethos that went into their creation? Even as things are saved, something is lost
http://www.dancenotation.org/library/frame0.html  organització que transcriu danses [no seria més fàcil el vídeo?]
Dormeshia Sumbry edwards clake: https://youtu.be/l6LIkEc69p0
https://youtu.be/CTijrDIU-m4 thelonius monk movent-se
https://youtu.be/FfbCnkgB2do Dormeshia tap dancing
https://youtu.be/2C7pSDrZYys Pam Tamowitz dansa amb variacions goldberg

Lindy whitey big ap`ple
més lindy
Honi coles
al leon remixed
tranky doo boira
nicholas remixed
Demo balboa
Variaciaions hellzapoppin
leon james at savoy
sugar sullivan
al leon shim sham
Avis que vab bé amb MP42
Si no amb mpg palvcd o bé palsvcd
Concert basie
Let me clear my throat
John wayne
Lester young i lindy
A baixar
Four step brothers
Tip tap toe
Step dance
Tip tap toe
Tap be bop
Four flash devils
Mr bb
Tip tap toe maletes
Lindy hop rap reagge
Més AL Leon
Lindyhop jukebox
buck bubbles
4 step bros
honi coles

https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/07/01/can-modern-dance-be-preserved què passa amb la companyia de dansa quan un coreògraf modern mor
chicago steepin https://youtu.be/VOQeXfDwsiM
philly bop
hand dance
sakkem parks: https://youtu.be/FAvZX9v-Bk8  https://youtu.be/KPnFpfZVZfU
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGd6HyU2v/ futbol i ball