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Introducció Nascut 1564


Primeres obres 1584-1594 Llegit tardor-hivern 2001. Canal d'Urgell

Experimental plays: from about 1589 to 1594

Before about 1594, Shakespeare experimented with a wide variety of dramatic and literary forms: 

Four history plays (Henry VI, Parts One, Two, and Three; Richard III) 
An erotic narrative poem (Venus and Adonis) 
A severely moral narrative poem (The Rape of Lucrece) 
A comedy in the style of Plautus (The Comedy of Errors) 
A comedy in the courtly style of John Lyly (The Two Gentlemen of Verona) 
A farcical comedy which today we might call a problem comedy (The Taming of the Shrew) 
A tragedy of blood in the style of Kyd (Titus Andronicus) 
Possibly some sonnets 
And possibly a contribution to a play written in collaboration by several authors (Sir Thomas More) 

Primera maduresa 1595-1599 Llegit entre maig 2002  i  setembre 2004, a Cap de Creus, Delta de l'Ebre, Solius, Poble nou.

1594: Interrupció per la plaga, s'estableix fora de Londres, el 1597 es construeix el teatre del Globe.
The fourth age: plays from about 1595 to 1600

Two profoundly original comedies (Love's Labours Lost, A Midsummer Night's Dream) 
A history, not part of a group of history plays (King John) 
A tragedy of youth, love and fate (Romeo and Juliet) 
A comedy that seems at times more like the tragedy of its supposed villain (The Merchant of Venice) 
Four histories, written over several years (Richard II, Henry IV, Parts One and Two, Henry V) 
A tragedy set in Roman times (Julius Caesar) 
A group of three great romantic comedies (Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night) 
A comedy of the fat knight, Falstaff, originally created in the history plays (The Merry Wives of Windsor) 
One of Shakespeare's (or anyone's) finest tragedies (Hamlet) 

Maduresa (1600-1607) Llegit entre novembre 2004  i novembre 2006, Solius, Poble Nou, Londres.

Teatre Globe, vida a Londres
Maduresa 1600-1607
The fifth age: plays from about 1601 to 1607
 During this time Shakespeare wrote plays of dark power. 
Two dark comedies (All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure) 
A disturbing play that defies category (Troilus and Cressida) 
A tragedy of love (Othello) 
A tragedy of age, of parents and children (King Lear) 
A tragedy of power, of husband and wife (Macbeth) 
A tragedy of Rome, Egypt, power and love (Antony and Cleopatra) 
A tragedy of Rome and power, of mother and child (Coriolanus) 
Obres tardanes (1608-1611) Llegit entre març i setembre de 2007, Poble Nou

Es trasllada a Stratford
Obres tardanes 1608-1611
An odd and possibly unfinished tragedy (Timon of Athens)
A patchwork tale of adventure, shipwreck, loss and rediscovery (Pericles)
A romance of Britain and Rome (Cymbeline)
A tale of tragic jealousy and pastoral rebirth (The Winter's Tale)
A tale of a brave new world (The Tempest)


Col·laboracions finals (1612-1613) 1613 es retira i només colabora
The seventh age: plays of Shakespeare's retirement
 The final plays were written in collaboration, in each case probably with a younger playwright, John Fletcher.

A history of recent time in England (Henry VIII)
A romance of chivalry (The Two Noble Kinsmen)
(Possibly) a play, now lost, called Cardenio*