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- 10 volums. DILTHEY
- 100 all Time favorite Movies. Müller, Jurgen
- 100 Diagrams that changed the world. CHRISTIANSON, SCOTT
- 100 Jazz Blues of Blues Greats. RealBook
- 100 Sonetos De Amor. NERUDA, PABLO
- 1001 Jazz Licks. SHNEIDMAN
- 101 Arbres de Catalunya que cal conèixer. LLOBET, TONI, CARRERA, DAVID
- 101 Experiencias de filosofia cotidiana. Pol-Droit, Roger
- 101 Things I hate. Waters, John
- 120 journées de Sodome, Les. SADE, Marquis De
- 13 Rue del percebe. IBAÑEZ
- 150 Cuentos sufíes. Rūmī, Maulana Jalāl Al-Dīn
- 2002 Il commissario Bordelli. Vichi, Marco
- 2009 - Il posto di ognuno. Giovanni, Maurizio De
- 201 Stories. Chekhov
- 300 Medicamentos para superarse. AAVV
- 44 Scotland street. McCALL SMITH, ALEXANDER
- 44 Scotland Street. McCALL SMITH, ALEXANDER
- 50 secretos Mágicos para pintar. Dalí, Salvador
- 505 Fets bàsics de Catalunya. CADENA
- 52 Pickup. Leonard, Elmore
- 60 Racconti. Buzzati, Dino
- 84, Charing Cross Road. HANFF, HELEN
- 892 Literatura africana i semítica. COTS, JORDI
- A Comedy of Terrors. Davis, Lindsey
- A Dream of Red Mansions. TSAO HSUEH-CHIN
- A Handbook of Anatomy for Art Students. THOMSON, ARTHUR
- A killer in Kailash. SATYAJIT RAY
- A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs. Proust
- A la pintura. ALBERTI, RAFAEL
- A la recherche du reel. D'ESPAGNAT, BERNARD
- A Lakeland Sketchbook. WAINWRIGHT, A.
- A Promise of Ankles (44 Scotland Street Book 14). McCALL SMITH, ALEXANDER
- A Quintessence of Drawing.Masterworks from the Albertina. Electa
- A Reader's Guide to Wallace Stevens. COOK, ELEANOR
- À rebours. Huysmans, Joris-Karl
- A touch of death. Charles Williams
- A Treatise On Electricity & Magnetism. MAXWELL, James Clerk
- A tremendous appetite for experience. ATSUSHI KAGA
- Ada o l'ardor. NABOKOV, V.
- Ada or Ardor. Nabokov, Vladimir
- Aeneid 7-12, The minor poems. Virgil
- Aforismes de Zürau. KAFKA, FRANZ
- Aforismos sobre el arte de vivir. SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR
- Africa. Planet, Lonely
- After Dark, My Sweet. Thompson, Jim
- Agatha Christie - 4.50 From Paddington.txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Burden. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Mysterious Affair At Styles.Txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Nemesis.txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Partners In Crime (Shorts).Txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Poirot's Early Cases. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Pricking Of My Thumbs. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Sleeping Murder.txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - The Moving Finger.txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - They Do It With Mirrors.txt. Christie, Agatha
- Agatha Christie - Third Girl. Christie, Agatha
- Age of Innocence, The. Wharton, Edith
- Aground. Charles Williams & Franklin W. Dixon
- Aiax, Edip rei. Sòfocles
- Aimez-vous Brahms. Sagan, Françoise
- Albertine disparue. Proust
- Alcoholics, The. Thompson, Jim
- Alegres Y En Compañia. McCALL SMITH, ALEXANDER
- Alejandro Magno. Renault, Mary
- Alejandro Magno 1. Fuego del Paraiso. Renault, Mary
- Alejandro Magno 2. El Muchacho Persa. Renault, Mary
- Alejandro Magno 3. Juegos Funerarios. Renault, Mary
- Alex. Lemaitre, Pierre
- Alex. Lemaitre, Pierre
- Alexias De Atenas. Renault, Mary
- Algebraist, The. Banks, Iain M.
- Algo que brilla como el mar. Kawakami, Hiromi
- Alícia en terra de meravelles. CARROLL, LEWIS
- All the way. Charles Williams
- Alpengrollen: Kriminalroman. Gerwien, Michael
- Alquimia i mística. ROOB, ALEXANDER
- Altered Carbon. Morgan, Richard
- Amants de la ciència. HANN, JUDITH
- America Dances. KEATING, ANGELINA