423 Formes musicals

La suite de danses

La Dansa   |     Formes musicals [parelles de temps lents i ràpids] basse danse – saltarello, tourdion Pavana – Galliarde Alemanda – Courante Sarabanda – Giga Xacona: sembla que originàriament era una dansa ràpida del nou món, de “moviments suggestius” i lletres de doble sentit que es va propagar per Europa. Un exemple n’és el …

La forma sonata

Estructura en tres parts que apareix en el primer moviment de sonates, simfonies i quartets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonata_form Introducció Exposició, primer tema: First subject group, P (Prime) – this consists of one or more themes, all of them in the tonic key. Although some pieces are written differently, most follow this form. Segon tema  [ (D major) …


[ esborrany ] James Baldwin: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1962/11/17/letter-from-a-region-in-my-mind I remember, anyway, church suppers and outings, and, later, after I left the church, rent and waistline parties where rage and sorrow sat in the darkness and did not stir, and we ate and drank and talked and laughed and danced and forgot all about “the man.” We had the …