El cinema que he vist cada any

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Infantesa. Adolescència. Adult1. Adult2. Adult3.


Programes de reestrena a cinemes de barri. Roxy a Pl.Lesseps. Delicias a Travessera de Gràcia. La Salle a la plaça del nord.
Dos films amb les notícies del Nodo franquista a la mitja part.  La mare ens deixava veure dues películes i a vegades ens reenganxàvem.
Sèries B, el Tarzan de Jonny Weissmuller, ciència ficció (vaig somiar algunes setmanes les formigues gegants que empaitaven la gent dins de túnels).

mary poppins

jungle book

Kubrick 2001 Una Odissea a l’Espai, l’estació espacial girant al sol del Danubi blau (en vaig demanar el disc als pares).
La leyenda de la ciudad sin nombre, de la qual vam comprar el disc i jo anava per casa cantant “women and whisky night and day”.


Començo a anar-hi pel meu compte. La Salla, Verdi, cinemes d’Estrena. Evasió o modern. un matí a l’Alexandra on vam veure To be or not to be de Lubitsch. Al Verdi amb en Josep Ribas a veure “Las petroleras”. La gran Vadrouille amb Bourvil i Louis de Funes (tea for two). Pelis progres a vegades avorrides, Teorema.

Arriba la televisió a casa BN. La Clave, sèries Dallas, Magnum.


Al cinema, films que han acabat essent clàssics: Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Greenaway, Blade Runner. Matrix.
TV en color i comandament. Diverses cadenes i zapping. El 1983 comença TV3 (8 anys després de la mort del dictador). Més endavant parabòlica a la teulada per veure TV per satèl·lit.  Sèries, Malu, Luz de Luna.  Reproductor de vídeo, cintes VHS, lloguer al videoclub de Castellar.

The Piano
. Festival de cine a Sitges amb Pulp Fiction i Troma.

Bird (Charlie Parker), Jurassik Park, Thelma i Louise, Atrapado en el tiempo, La familia Adams, Cuatro bodas y un funeral, Regreso a Howards End, Los Aristogatos, Cariño he encogido a los niños, Stargate, Tierras de Penumbra, El fugitivo, Lunas de Hiel.
Sèries: Estació d’enllaç, Lois i Clark.

Mrs. Doubtfire, Regreso a Howards End, A Room with a View, Tap Dancing, A Cabin in the Sky (Petunia), The Mask. James Bond Goldeneye, Babe el cerdito valiente. (L’única peli que m’ha fet plorar!).
Sèries: Médico de Familia, Fort Boyard, Nissaga de poder, Estació d’enllaç, Northern eXposure, Rumbo al Sur

Vacances a Roma Audrey Hepburn, Cosas que nunca te dije Isabel Coixet, Nell Jodie Foster, 101 Dálmatas, Mision imposible, La red, La roca, Independance day, Speed, El quinto elemento, Men in black.

Cinema: El demà no mor mai de James Bond, Titànic, Blues Brothers amb ball afegit. I un munt de vídeos com Juràssic Park i el Mundo Perdido, La flor de mi secreto amb Marisa Paredes, French Kiss, la ruta maya, Bienvenido Mr Chance, Mentiroso compulsivo. Mintras dormías, Seven, Didier mi fiel Amigo, els viatges de Gulliver, Contact, Full Monty, Fotografiando hadas
Sèries: Friends (que la Teresa i la Maria acabaran sabent de memòria) i Seinfeld.

Matrix. Gattaca. Hola, estás sola? de Icíar Bollain. Bichos.  La vida es bella.  La mòmia. La amenaça fantasma (star Wars). La trampa.
Sèries: Nikita. TV3: La memòria dels cargols. Laura.


Per Nadal veient Lord of the Rings amb la Teresa i la Maria. Cinemes Icària en V.O.S. Diagonal Mar. A casa TV i aviat projector. Reproductor de DVD, lloguer vídeoclubs. (els pares gravador en disc dur).

Ghost Dog, M’he gravat Huida a Medianoche (Midnight run) pel paper de la filla que ajuda al pare. Planeta rojo. Alta fidelidad. Gladiator. Lista de espera. Space Cowboys. [deixo de tenir televisió a CR24].

2001: The Ring (tot sol), Hannibal amb l’Uri, El último haren. Dancer in the Dark, Bamboozled. Conspiracion en la red. Tigre y Dragon , Final Fantasy, Los Otros, Spy Kids.  Oh Brother., Dancer in the Dark. Peli Bamboozled. Chocolat. La Maldición del escorpión de jade.


2002: MonsterSA., Ocean’s Eleven. La máquina del tiempo (un churro). Gosford Park. El ataque de los clones. MIIB.  Lucía y el sexo. Mullholland drive.  Atando Cabos. Hable con ella. El hombre que nunca había estado allí. James Bond: Die another day. “Minority report”. Amb en Sergio: El Planeta de los simios, Harry Potter, Kate i Leopold.

2003: La chica de París, “Los espigadores” de Agnes Varda, Dolls, El último golpe” “En un lugar de Africa”, Femme Fatale, Apocalypse Now, Les vacances de M. Hulot. Mystic River. Lejano, Hero. Sèries: CSI als vespres, 24.

2004: Kill Bill. Bollywood. El arca rusa Alexander Sokurov. Dogville. Lost in translation. La noia de la perla. Ser i tener. Before sunrise, Before sunset. Melinda i melinda, Oceans 12, El último beso, Big Fish. Cold Mountain. Cipher, Goodbye Lenin. Spiderman 2. Bourne Supremacy.

2005: Primavera, otoño, Verano. Hellboy (amb en Sergio), Venjança Sith, Sin city. Guerra dels móns. Collateral, Million Dolar Baby, Sideways sopant i bevent al cine, Double Indemnity. El pianista, Broken Flowers (Jarmusch), Match Point, L’últim emperador. Sèries: CSI i Desperate Housewives

2006: The Constant Gardener, The interpreter, 21 Grams, Crash. The Conversation, Ascenseur Echauffaud, Devil wears Prada. Infiltrados. El Secreto de Anthony Zimmer. Sèries: Lost, DHW, CSI, House. Prison Brake.

2007: – ?

2008: Elegy, Wes Anderson Darjeeling Ltd, Wonderful Town, Honeydripper, Yo serví al rey de inglaterra. Youtube: Nicholas Bros, Clark bros, Four flash devils, i altres links de ball.

2009: Dexter, Men in trees. Cadillac Records, I’m in a moood for love de Wong Car Wai

2010 Battlestar galactica. Wall-E. Before the devil knows you’re dead, Lumet. Cronenberg, ExistenZ. Oceans, serie BigBang Theory. Cristopher Nolan, Origen. Expiación. Bullit. El Caso Thomas Crown. Mcgyver.

2011 Pelis al cine: Resident Evil, Chico y rita. Sèries: Big Bang, Dexter, Frasier, En terapia. Treme. A casa: Wall E per segona vegada, Cadillac records, Amanece que no es poco.

2012 Cine: Tintin, una terapia peligrosa, Prometheus. / Casa: The Mechanic, Stranger than fiction, La piel que habito d’Almodóvar, The king’s speech, El gran Torino, Un Dios salvaje, Millenium, Drive, Das Boot, Hotel Marigold.
Sèries: Frasier, Madmen, The Killing, Treme, Los Soprano, Sherlock Holmes, Luther, Misfits, the Good Wife.

2013: Cine: Sèries: Homeland, Dexter, Justified, Treme, Borgen, Hannibal, Game of Thrones, The NewsRoom.
Pelis: El legado de Bourne. Wes Anderson, The Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic. Life of Pi.late Quartet. Zero Dark thirty. 3 Django unchained. Dirty dancing. Rompe Ralph. GRU Despicable me. Liberal Arts. Mud.

2014: Wes Anderson, Gran Hotel Budapest. Frances Ha de Noah Baumbach i Only Lovers Left alive de Jim Jarmusch. Her amb Joachim Phoenix.

2015: Inside Out, Mision Imposible / Ida . Sèries: Orphan black, Mozart in the jungle, Homeland 4, True detective. Himmel über Berlin Insterstellar, Whiplash (dolenta).


Cine. Descàrregues emule, Western digital, Synology. Comença l’època de les sèries a les plataformes. El vídeo es consumeix en Streaming. 2016 Nou projector. 2024 tanca l’Icària on alguna vegada anava a veure una peli d’acció amb una cervesa i un bigmac.

2016: Kung Fu Hustle, The Raid, Mart, El puente de los espias. Sèries: Jessica Jones, Game of thrones.

2017: El gegant BFG, The Secret life of pets. SING! Paterson de Jim Jarmusch. John Wick. Sèries: Mr. Robot. Homeland 5. Rubicon, excel·lent. Planet Earth, molt bona. Atrapados islandesa, bona. The Good Place, gran comèdia. American Gods, pse. The Young Pope, original. Game of Thrones 7, bona. Sense8.

2018: The Good Place. Marvelous Mrs Meisel, Altered Carbon.

2019: Good Omens

2020: Mandalorian, Grantchester, Snowpiercer, Modern Love (excel·lent), Scorpion, Zoey playlist, Suits, Normal People, The Queen’s gambit. L’original i alegre Girl Walk all day, una noia ballant per New York.

2021: Al cine amb Big mac, Dune. Summer of soul, Gladys Knight pips. Gunda i Aquarela Kossakovsky. The age of innocence. Sèries: Snowpiercer. Ted Lasso. Scenes of a marriage . The Good Doctor. Foundation.

2022: I’m your man, un robot perfecte.No time to die. The French Dispatch, Wes Anderson. The Godfather. Marcel The Shell with the shoes on. 3000 Years of longing. Sèries: Get Back. Boba Fett. The Sinner. Slow horses. Ms Marvel. Deceben Rings of Power i House of Dragon. Wednesday. Andor.

2023:  Tár, Todd Field Cate Blanchet. White Noise, Noah Baumbach. Asteroid City, The Wonderful story of Henry Sugar, Wes Anderson. The Addiction 1995.. The Menu. Turing. Man from UNCLE. All quiet in the western front. Indiana Jones Dial destiny. Mission Impossible Dead reckoning. Caleidoscope, Amsterdam, The Man with iron fists, gamberrada KungFu. Bessie. Halo. Wakanda forever. Project Wolf Hunting. Luther the Fallen Sun. Dungeons Dragons. John Wick 4. 65 Dinosaures. My Man Godfrey 1936. Ahsoka. Barbie. Love at first sight. Brideshead Revisited 2009. Sanctuary. A Haunting in Venice. The Killer. Duck Soup 1933. Expendables4. Oppenheimer. The Creator. Saltburn.
Sèries: Slow Horses, segona i tercera temporada. Jack Ryan3. Poker Face. Gilded age. Star trek New Worlds. Last of Us. Tulsa. Endeavour. Ted Lasso 3. Succession. Night Agent. The Power. The Mandalorian. Fubar. Citadel. Class 9. Silo. Master Gardener. Full circle. Hijack. Justified City primeval. Lioness. Dark Winds. The Continental. Still Up. The Killing Kind. Bosch4.

2024: 36 pelis. 2046 WongKarMai. In weiter Ferne, so Nah. Next Goal Wins, Taika Waititi. La Passion de Dodin Bouffant. The Holdhovers. Madame Web. Dune2. Perfect day. Atlas. Roadhouse. Paris dort. Dirty dozen. Don’t Look Now. Dark City 1998. Aimez vous Brahms. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004). Once 2006,músic irlandès. Insideout2. Once 2006. Beverly Hills Cop. The lathe of heaven 1980(els somnis d’un home canvien el món). Kingdom of planet Apes. Abigail. Fall Guy. Fly me to the moon. The Killer, Jon Woo. Deadpool pocasolta. Blink Twice. The beekeeper. Despiucableme4. Citadel Diana. Alien Romulus. The Covenant. Love Actually. Gladiator II. El majordom anglès.
32 sèries. Slow Horses 3 i 4. Warrior2. Vigil. Bosch5. Monarch. Criminal Record. Murder at the End of the World. True detective4. Mr & Mrs SMith. Brother Sun. Spade. Avatar. Colin from accounts. 3body problem. ProfessorT. Fallout. One Day. Gentlemen. Gentleman in Moscow. Shogun. Sugar. Orphan Black Echoes. Dark Matter. The Acolyte. The Veil. My Lady Jane. House Dragon2. Evil. The Bear. Those about to die, Roma! Sunny. Rings of Power. High Potential. The Diplomat. Cross. Murder in a small town. Black Dove. Brilliant Minds.


Les derniers jours Immanuel Kant:


The Third Man

The Third Man is a 1949 film noir directed by Carol Reed, written by Graham Greene, and starring Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, and Trevor Howard. The film is set in post–World War II Vienna. It centres on Holly Martins, an American who is given a job in Vienna by his friend Harry Lime, but when Holly arrives in Vienna he gets the news that Lime is dead. Martins then meets with Lime’s acquaintances in an attempt to investigate what he considers a suspicious death.

The atmospheric use of black-and-white expressionist cinematography by Robert Krasker, with harsh lighting and distorted “Dutch angle” camera technique, is a major feature of The Third Man. Combined with the iconic theme music, seedy locations and acclaimed performances from the cast, the style evokes the atmosphere of an exhausted, cynical post-war Vienna at the start of the Cold War.

Greene wrote the novella of the same name as preparation for the screenplay. Anton Karas wrote and performed the score, which featured only the zither.

Els fets : El major Calloway presenta a un incrèduñ Holly Martins les evidències que Harry Lime ha estat traficant amb penicilina adulterada. Una època on encara era possible arribar a un consens sobre els fets, evidències que no es podien desqualificar com a fake news.

La nòria : Holly Martins es troba dalt de la nòria amb Harry Lime en una escena sublim de qüestions morals. Confrontat amb el fet de les víctimes de la penicilina adulterada, HL es pregunta si per cada petita figura que desaparegués a baix, una formigueta, rebés 20.000 lliures, si li resultaria tan difícil de rebutjar. After all it’s not that awful. You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long Holly.

El final: al cementiri, Holly espera Ana que ve caminant des de lluny i que l’ignorarà. Tot i saber que Harry era immoral, no pot perdonar Holly que l’hagi entregat. És qui ha desfet el seu somni.

British movies and TV

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). Director David Lean. Cast Alec Guinness, William Holden, Jack Hawkins
Four Weddings and a FUneral 1994
The Man in the White Suit (1951) Director Alexander Mackendrick Cast Alec Guinness, Joan Greenwood, Cecil Parker
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974) Directors Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones Cast Graham Chapman, Michael Palin, John Cleese, Eric Idle et al
Local Hero (1983) Director Bill Forsyth Cast Burt Lancaster, Peter Riegert, Denis Lawson
Blow-Up (1966) Director Michelangelo Antonioni Cast David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave, Paul Bowles
Repulsion (1965) Director Roman Polanski Cast Catherine Deneuve, Yvonne Furneaux
The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner (1962) Director Tony Richardson Cast Tom Courtenay, James Bolam, Julia Foster
The Ladykillers (1955) Director Alexander Mackendrick Cast Alec Guinness, Peter Sellers, Katie Johnson
Brazil (1985) Director Terry Gilliam Cast Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Katherine Helmond
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Director David Lean Cast Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness
Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) Director Terry Jones Cast Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eri
The 39 Steps (1935) Director Alfred Hitchcock Cast Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Godfrey Tearle
Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) Director Robert Hamer Cast Dennis Price, Alec Guinness, Joan Greenwood
The Red Shoes (1948) Directors Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger Cast Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring
The Third Man (1949) Director Carol Reed Cast Joseph Cotten, Orson Welles, Alide Valli
Don’t Look Now (1973) Director Nicolas Roeg Cast Julie Christie, Donald Sutherland

Brideshead revisited (11 episodis)

Paterson. Jim Jarmusch


The film shows one week, beginning with Monday, in the life of Paterson, a bus driver from the city of Paterson, New Jersey. Every day follows much the same pattern: Paterson gets up early and goes to drive his bus, where he listens to the passengers talking and, during pauses, writes poetry in a notebook he is carrying with him. When he comes home after work he takes Marvin, his wife’s dog, out for a walk and makes a stop at his bar for a beer, where he observes the other patrons and the owner, Doc (Barry Shabaka Henley), interacting.

His wife Laura loves his poems and has urged him for a long time to publish them or at least make copies. He finally gives in and promises to go to the copy shop on the weekend. But when the weekend arrives and Paterson and Laura come home from an evening out, they find that Marvin has shredded his notebook, destroying all of his poetry.

The next day, a dejected Paterson goes out for a walk and sits down at his favorite site, the Great Falls of the Passaic River. There, a mysterious Japanese man (Masatoshi Nagase) takes a seat beside him and begins a conversation about poetry after Paterson notices that the man is reading a book by his favorite poet, William Carlos Williams, who himself wrote a book-length poem entitled “Paterson”. The man seems to know that Paterson himself is a poet even though he denies it and hands him a gift before leaving, an empty notebook.

The film ends with Paterson writing a new poem in his new notebook.