Influides per la teoria dels tipus de Jung, el 1944 Katharine Cook Briggs i la seva filla Isabel Briggs Myers proposen un model de 16 tipus de personalitat pel que fa a “quines són les preferències psicològiques de les persones, com perceben el món que les envolta i com prenen decisions.” Ho basen en 4 dicotomies fonamentals:
- Extraversió (E) – Introversió (I)
- Intuïció (N-per diferenciar-ho de la introversió) – observació (S-sensing)
- Sentiment (F-feeling) – pensament (t-thinking)
- Judici (J) – percepció (P)
El test s’ha fet servir com a eina a RRHH però ha estat molt discutit per manca de rigor.

- Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious). Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience.
- Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless). Tendency to be organized and dependable, show self-discipline, act dutifully, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior. High conscientiousness is often perceived as being stubborn and focused. Low conscientiousness is associated with flexibility and spontaneity, but can also appear as sloppiness and lack of reliability.
- Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved). Energetic, surgency, assertiveness, sociability and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others, and talkativeness. High extraversion is often perceived as attention-seeking and domineering. Low extraversion causes a reserved, reflective personality, which can be perceived as aloof or self-absorbed.[7] Extroverted people may appear more dominant in social settings, as opposed to introverted people in this setting.
- Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/detached). Tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others. It is also a measure of one’s trusting and helpful nature, and whether a person is generally well-tempered or not. High agreeableness is often seen as naive or submissive. Low agreeableness personalities are often competitive or challenging people, which can be seen as argumentative or untrustworthy.
- Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident). Tendency to be prone to psychological stress.[6] The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, and vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control and is sometimes referred to by its low pole, “emotional stability”. High stability manifests itself as a stable and calm personality, but can be seen as uninspiring and unconcerned. Low stability manifests as the reactive and excitable personality often found in dynamic individuals, but can be perceived as unstable or insecure.[7] Also, individuals with higher levels of neuroticism tend to have worse psychological well being.
16 Personality types
INTJ Personality (“Architect”) INTJ (-A/-T) Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.
“Logician” INTP (-A/-T) Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
“Commander” ENTJ (-A/-T) Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way – or making one.
“Debater” ENTP (-A/-T) Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.
“Advocate” INFJ (-A/-T) Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists. (Teresa, jo)
“Mediator” INFP (-A/-T) Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.
“Protagonist” ENFJ (-A/-T) Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.
“Campaigner” ENFP (-A/-T) Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.
“Logistician” ISTJ (-A/-T) Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose reliability cannot be doubted.
“Defender” ISFJ (-A/-T) Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.
“Executive” ESTJ (-A/-T) Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things – or people.
“Consul” ESFJ (-A/-T) Extraordinarily caring, social and popular people, always eager to help. (Maria)
“Virtuoso” ISTP (-A/-T) Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.
“Adventurer” ISFP (-A/-T) Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
“Entrepreneur” ESTP (-A/-T) Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.
“Entertainer” ESFP (-A/-T) Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them.
No classifica en tipus sinó que sitúa en 5 aspectes:
- extraversion: In the Big Five, being an extravert is all about engagement with the world. That includes your interest in socializing, of course, but it’s also tied to your energy levels and ability to feel excited about other people and society at large. Because people who score in the middle of a trait tend to experience a little of what those on either pole feel, you’re likely getting a taste of the benefits afforded to the higher extraverts — popularity, a general sense of well-being — while also experiencing some of the drawbacks of relative introversion, such as a limited dating pool (at least compared with the real social butterflies). (50%)
- agreeableness: You may feel a deep identification with the possibly-too-trusting, unfailingly polite and relentlessly helpful Ned Flanders. High agreeableness is associated with religiousness and with compassion. The highly agreeable aren’t merely the people feeding the hungry and building community — they’re often the ones leading the organizations that do those things. (92%)
- conscientiousness: You are one of the organized, the responsible, the possibly just-a-wee-bit boring. The highly conscientious can be thought of as the carriers of tradition. They’re likely to be religious and join organized clubs like the Elks or the local bowling league. (96%)
- negative emotionality: People who score on the higher end of this trait are plagued by anxiety, sadness, anger and conflict. But not you. You whistle while you work, even if the rest of the office is glaring into their fourth cup of coffee. There’s such a thing as being too cheerful, because sadness and anxiety are things that help us learn from our mistakes (8%)
- openness to experience: You’ve probably tried on several personal styles and hobbies during your life, and your curious brain is actively seeking new things to explore. Your identity may be flexible and open to change, but you’re likely to find success in careers that value that — the arts, for instance. (100%)
Human metrics
Article New Yorker