Els llocs de la dansa

La dansa   |   [ esborrany ]


1671 Opera de Paris. 1671  seus diverses. 1875 Palais Garnier. 1989 Opéra Bastille. Coreògrafs Jean Georges Noverre, Fokine amb els ballets russos, Serge Lifar.  Programació actual.

1748 Royal Danish Theater. 1874a Kongens Nytorv. Bournonville. 2005 Copenhaguen Opera House. Programació actual.

1776 Bolshoi Sant Petersburg, 1825 Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre, 1860 Mariinsky. Jules Perrot. Marius Petita. Programació actual.

1778 La Scala de Milan. Programació actual.

1825 Bolshoi Theatre Moscú. Programació actual.

1847 Barcelona, Gran Teatre del Liceu. Programació actual

1931 London, Sadler Wells, Royal Ballet, Coreògrafs: Frederick Ashton, Kenneth MacMillan, Wayne McGregor, Christopher Wheeldon. Programació actual.

1934 New York City Ballet, Balanchine, Jerome Robbins 1948 New York City Ballet, programació actual.

1983 Barcelona Mercat de les Flors, programació.

1987 Béjart Ballet Lausanne


Teatres de Broadway, NYC: N’hi ha gairebé 50, la majoria inaugurats a la dècada dels ’20.

Teatres del West End, London. Uns 40 teatres que es remunten al segle 17.


[sales de la cort a palaus, places, envelats]

  • 1808 Els valsos a Viena, l’Apollo Hall i els Tivoli Pleasure Gardens. The massive Apollo Hall became the center of the waltz craze in Vienna from 1808–1812. The Apollo had five large ballrooms and forty-four other public rooms, in addition to three glass houses, thirteen kitchens, an artificial waterfall, a lake with live swans, and flowers and trees that bloomed year round. Everything in the Apollo was done on a grand scale. One chandelier in the dining room held 5,000 candles. The musicians were tastefully hidden so that as the elite of Vienna swirled around the floor, the melodic strains of the waltz seemed to float down from the sky itself. Opened on January 10, 1808 to celebrate the engagement of the Emperor Francis I to his third wife, Princess Maria Ludovica d’Este, the Apollo Palace could accommodate up to 5,000 patrons. The entrance fee for the inaugural soirée was 25 guilders, an exorbitant sum in those days. The dancing hall catered to the wealthiest citizens of Vienna, and stories were shared of members lighting cigars with burning bank notes.

The Tivoli Pleasure Gardens, which opened in September of 1830, was another popular spot for waltzing. The gardens contained a spectacular colonnaded dancing pavilion that overlooked all of Vienna. One of the added attractions at the Tivoli was a toboggan-like chute with four tracks that allowed sixteen carriage-type cars mounted on sledges to speed excited patrons up and down.

[Tango, Buenos Aires: Club Sin Rumbo]

El jazz

[New Orleans i els vaixells del Mississipi?]

NYC: Roseland Ballroom amb Fletcher Henderson, Cab Calloway i Duke Ellington al Cotton Club, i Chick Webb al Savoy Ballroom.

Kansas City: Count Basie i Mary Lou Williams a a l’orquestra d’Andy Kirk.

Memphis: Jimmy Lunceford

Chicago: Earl Hines actua al Grand Terrace Cafe a Chicago.

[ hi ha llocs emblemàtics pel ball a l’època del rock’ n roll?

Studio 54 a NYC

Pacha Ibiza

El swing a Barcelona:

  • La Virreina, La Sedeta, els Cubs, la Glorieta de la Ciutadella
  • Sala Apolo
  • El Casino de l’Aliança del Poblenou
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