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Geografia  |  Indoxina  |  Arxipèlag malai


[ Juntament amb la Índia Indoxina i l’arxipèlag de malaisia forma el reailme Indo-malai.

The Indochina bioregion includes most of mainland Southeast Asia, including Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, as well as the subtropical forests of southern China.

Sunda shelf and the Philippines Malesia is a botanical province which straddles the boundary between Indomalaya and Australasia. It includes the Malay Peninsula and the western Indonesian islands (known as Sundaland), the Philippines, the eastern Indonesian islands, and New Guinea. While the Malesia has much in common botanically, the portions east and west of the Wallace Line differ greatly in land animal species; Sundaland shares its fauna with mainland Asia, while terrestrial fauna on the islands east of the Wallace line are derived at least in part from species of Australian origin, such as marsupial mammals and ratite birds.]


Clima tropical, calent i humit en general.

A l’oest limitant amb la Índia les muntanyes Arakan o Rakhine Mountains, i després la vall del riu Irrawaddy. Al nord les muntanyes a Chiang Mai i Luang Prabang (Laos), el clima és subtropical. El poderós Mekong travessa el centre de la península.


Indonèsia: Les illes de Sumatra, Java, , Borneo i Sulawesi, . Nova Guinea i Timor es consideren part d’Austràlia geogràficament. Clima tropical, abril-octubre seca, novembre març humida

Filipines: clima Tropical, les illes principals Luzon i Mindanao


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