Ballet, posicions i moviments

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Les cinc posicions bàsiques

Resum sessió

  • Pliés: en 1a 2a 4a 5a, flexió i gran flexió.
  • Tendues en 5a:estirar la cama recta sense que el peu s’aixequi de terra.
  • Degagés en 5a, més enllà del tendu, disparar la cama fregant el terra.
  • Developpés i fondus: developpé, doblegar cama i extendre; fondue el mateix amb flexió.
  • Rond de jambe à terre, Rond de jambe en l’air.
  • Frappés: amb el peu al tou de la cama, disparar i tornar a lloc.
  • Estirament de barra.
  • Grand battements

Treball al centre: Grand Adagio, desplaçaments, pirouettes, salts, pas de bourrée, grand jeté.

Vocabulari de passos, Royal ballet

Llista de passos en ordre d’aprenentatge segons el llibre Que-sais-je. Entre [[]] els que no fèiem a classe.

  • Pliés
  • Tendus: estendre la cama fregant el terra
  • Degagés: com el tendu però al final desenganxant la cama fins a 45º
  • [[Emboité: (descrit al llibre com a caminar de 5ª en 5ª fent degagés de la cama que pasa de darrera a davant), a internet, desplaçaments en diagonal girant, [ ho confonc amb el deboulé]]]
  • [[Relevé: posar-se de puntetes]]
  • [[Battement: aixecar la cama i tornar a lloc]]
  • Fondus flexionar i estirar
  • Developpés [desplegar amb la cama estirada partint d’un passé, tornar amb tendu]
  • [[Detiré: estirar la cama del tot tocant el peu amb la mà]]
  • [[Attitude: equilibri sobre una cama, l’altra aixecada endavant o enrera]]
  • [[Arabesque: semblant, cama enrera]]
  • Rond de jambe
  • Reverence
  • Glissade: desplaçament de costat lliscant
  • Chassé: desplaçament de costat lliscant
  • Pas de bourrée / creuar per davant 1 quiet, 2 comencem a moure a la dreta, 3 queda l’altre creuat  / pes dreta davant (L) 1 punta darrera l, 2 punta davant a punt per fer el pas lateral a la dreta, 3 pes darrera r punt l davant // 1 punta darrera r, 2 punta davant l a punt per pas lateral a l’esquerra, 3 pes darrera punta r davant
  • [[Pas de Basque: desplaçament combinant degagé, rond de jambe, glissade]]
  • Port de bras: braços a primera, cinquena, segona i allongé
  • [[Detourné]]
  • [[Temps de cuisse]]
  • [[Soubressaut]]
  • [[Changement de pied]]
  • [[Assemblé]]
  • Grand Battement
  • (Adagio)
  • Salts


  • Pirouette
  • Valse
  • Balancé
  • Pas de bourrée


Una sessió, barra:

  • Plies: 1st 2nd 4th 5th position: 2 demi plié & 1 grande plié. 1st port de bras are front and back. 2nd port de bras are side to side. 4th plié back leg * weight off front leg!* port de bras are front and back. 5th plié sous-sus and hold releve for 4 slow counts. Finish in 5th position. [flexió i gran flexió]
  • Tendues in 5th: Feet: Front, Side, Back, Side: 2 slow and 3 fast. Arms: 3rd 2nd arabesque & 2nd. Then port de bra side to side. To finish, balance in arabesque 45-90 degrees. *lift inside leg and hold for slow 4 counts. [estirar la cama recta sense que el peu s’aixequi de terra]
  • Degagés in 5th: Front: 4 and 1 passé that closes to the back. Back: 4 and 1 passé that closes to the front. Side: 4 and 1 passé that rises to releve. Hold releve for a slow 4 counts. Port de bras front and back. [més enllà del tendu, disparar la cama fregant el terra]
  • Fondue and Developpés: Part I: movement goes; front, side, back side: fondue front 45 degrees then 90 degrees, holding 2 counts and 1 count close in 5th, moving their working leg do a plie into a sous-sus and end in plié. Next section: do a pirouette after the sous-sus. Last section: Front, side, back, side: Developape, take as high as they can go slowly for 4 counts. To finish, plié sous-sus and balance in attitude to the front. [ developpé, doblegar cama i extendre; fondue el mateix amb flexió]
  • Rond de jambe à terre : 2 slow “prepatory” going dehors, 3 faster going dehors, then brush working leg front and back 45 degrees, the 90 or higher close in 5th position. Then do the whole thing dedans. To finish: do grande port bras dehors and en dedans. To finish, plié pirouette and balance in passé.
  • Rond de jambe en l’air: 4 slow singles dehors and then dedans. The inside leg then lunges keeping toes pointed and weight off that foot! After you pull up they can then set foot on floor and port de bra back. Then plié sous-sus and balance 4 slow counts. 4 slow singles dehors, then 2 doubles. And then do whole thing dedans. Then the inside leg then lunges keeping toes pointed and weight off that foot! After you pull up they can set foot on floor and port de bras back. Then plié sous-sus and balance 4 slow counts.
  • Frappés: version I: 4 plain front, side, back, side. Next, do one set of slow double frappes front, side, back, side. Finish with, port de bras front and back.
  • Version II: 4 plain frappes: front, side, back, side. Double frappes front, side, back, side 2 times. 8 counts of petite battements. Then plié sous-sus into a passé then plie su-su into a pirouette. Finish with a balance in passé for 4 counts. [amb el peu al tou de la cama, disparar i tornar a lloc]
  • Barre Stretch: Front and side and in arabesque: 2 demi plié, then do a port de bras front and back then slide back and forth along the barre. Etc. Then make them do splits and hold them to the count of a slow 10!
  • Grand battements: 4 front, side, back, side. 2 slow 3 fast front, side, back, side. Port de bras front and back. To finish, do a balance in attitude back for 4 slow counts. *Do combination 2 times*

Treball al centre:

  • Grande Adagio  in 1st position facing front. 1 grande plié. Then, Developpé front taking 4 counts: passé then extend leg out and finish in 5th position. Do that front, side, back, side. Then do; plié su-su moving to 5th position and do passé on right and then left side. Next do pirouette right and then left –from 5th position.
  • Version II:  do the same beginning, however, start combination in 5th and start facing corner and when you get to arabesque do a promenade and then  penchée in arabesque. To finish after the  penchée do a tombé pas de bourrée into a 4th position pirouette.
  • Moving across the floor: 2 soutenu turns and 2 piquée turns into 3 quick counts of chaîné turns and to finish tombé pas de bourrée and do double pirouettes in 4th position.  Do combo at least 2 times across the floor and make them do it 2 at a time.
  • Moving across the floor: Balance front and back and side to side, then 2 slow soutenu turns into a tombé pas de bourrée and do pirouettes in 4th position then swivel around and do an dedan pirouette in 4th position. Do combo at least 2 times across the floor and make them do it 2 at a time.
  • Moving across the floor: 2 lame ducks into bourrées quickly across floor: 3 counts into an arabesque turn. Do combo at least 2 times across the floor and make them do it 2 at a time.
  • Moving across the floor: Do emboité jumps turning (do them slowly-movement goes corner to corner: jump off right foot onto the left and land with right foot in front of the left ankle. This movement is often done while turning and traveling.) Into a tombé pas de bourrée and do pirouettes in 4th. Do combo at least 2 times across the floor and make them do it 2 at a time.
  • Back in the Center:  petite allegro: 4 jumps- in 1st, 2nd, and 5th. Version II:   échappé  sauté in 4th position front  close in a 5th position, then do  échappé sauté in 2nd , to échappé sauté in 4th to the back. 8 jumping passés moving back and then 8 jumping passes moving front. Do combo at least 2 times in 2 large groups.
  • Back in the Center:  Assemblés .4 total: right leg side close right leg in front 5th position then left leg side close left leg in front 5th position. Then 4 entrechats. Then moving right: 2 glissades and then do 3 pas de chat. Finish with a tombé pas de bourrée into a 4th position and do pirouettes. * Then do combo to the left. * Do combo at least 2 times in 2 large groups.
  • Moving across the floor: Do Tour jetés across the floor. Do combo at least 2 times 1 at a time.Moving across the floor: Do tombé pas de bourrée glissade grand jeté across the floor in the “zig-zag” pattern. Do combo at least 2 times, 1 at a time.
  • Moving across the floor: 2 sissonnes in arabesque moving forward, 2 jumping passés-right and left *2 times and then moving backwards pique arabesque and do 2 tour jetés in a row. To finish tombé pas de bourrée glissade into a ring leap/calypso.
  • Back in the Center:  practice pirouettes from 5th position and then practice fouetté en tournant.
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