França. Art

Tapís de Bayeux
romànic: Vezelay
gòtic: Sainte Chappelle. the Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145.  Other notable Gothic churches in France include Bourges Cathedral, Amiens Cathedral, Notre-Dame de Laon, Notre Dame in Paris, Reims Cathedral, the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, Strasbourg Cathedral.
renaixement, Chateaux de la Loire
barroc: Nicolas Poussin with his rational control, proportion, Roman classicism. Another proponent of classicism working in Rome was Claude Gellée, known as Le Lorrain, who defined the form of classical landscape. the amazing candle-lit paintings of Georges de La Tour.
Versailles. ELs jardins de Le Notre
Rococo i neoclasicisme: JAcques Louis David [mort de Marat a Brusel·les] , Ingres
romanticisme de: Eugène Delacroix, who had a successful public career and was the main opponent of Ingres. Before him, Théodore Géricault opened the path to romanticism with his monumental Raft of the Medusa
impressionisme: d to Claude Monet with his cathedrals and haystacks, Pierre-Auguste Renoir with both his early outdoor festivals and his later feathery style of ruddy nudes, Edgar Degas with his dancers and bathers. Other important impressionists were Alfred Sisley, Camille Pissarro and Gustave Caillebotte.
After that threshold was crossed, the next thirty years became a litany of amazing experiments. Vincent van Gogh, Dutch born, but living in France, opened the road to expressionism. Georges Seurat,
Marcel Duchamp
Niki Saont Phalle
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