França l’Ancien régime. Valois, Borbons. 1453 – 1789

louis xiv, louis xv, idees il·Lustració


1515 1547 François I
guerres de religió [jansenistes com Pascal, convent de Port-Royal exageraven el pecat original una mica amb el maniqueisme de Sant Agustí, que hi ha homes que no hi poden fer res per is sols si no els arriba la gràcia divina – no serien responsables oposats als JEsuites]
1682 Louis XIV trasllada la cort a Versailles

House of Valois

  • Louis XI the Prudent, 1461–83
  • Charles VIII the Affable, 1483–98
  • Louis XII, 1498–1515
  • Francis I, 1515–47
  • Henry II, 1547–59
  • Francis II, 1559–60
  • Charles IX, 1560–74 (1560–63 under regency of Catherine de’ Medici)
  • Henry III, 1574–89

House of Bourbon

  • Henry IV the Great, 1589–1610
  • the Regency of Marie de Medici, 1610–17
  • Louis XIII the Just and his minister Cardinal Richelieu, 1610–43
  • the Regency of Anne of Austria and her minister Cardinal Mazarin, 1643–51
  • Louis XIV the Sun King and his minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert, 1643–1715
  • the Régence, a period of regency under Philip II of Orléans, 1715–23
  • Louis XV the Beloved and his minister Cardinal André-Hercule de Fleury, 1715–74
  • Louis XVI, 1774–92

“Beautiful 16th century”
Economic historians call the era from about 1475 to 1630 the “beautiful 16th century” because of the return of peace, prosperity and optimism across the nation, and the steady growth of population. Paris, for example, flourished as never before, as its population rose to 200,000 by 1550. In Toulouse the Renaissance of the 16th century brought wealth that transformed the architecture of the town, such as building of the great aristocratic houses.[27]

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