Geografia Amèrica del sud

Geografia  |  Centre Amèrica i Caribe  |  Orinoco i Amazonas  |  Andes   |

Correspon al reialme Neotropic [A grans trets és la serralada dels andes i la conca de l’Amazonas]. Els Andes es van començar a formar al Cenozoic i segueixen.

Els rius principals, Orinoco, Amazonas, Paranà


CENTRAL AMERICA: Boscos tropicals i subtropicals

CARIBE: Cuba, Jamaica. Haiti, Puerto Rico. Boscos Tropicals i subtropicals secs i humits


The Orinoco is a region of humid forested broadleaf forest and wetland primarily comprising the drainage basin for the Orinoco River and other adjacent lowland forested areas. This region includes most of Venezuela and parts of Colombia.

Amazonia The Amazonia bioregion is mostly covered by tropical moist broadleaf forest, including the vast Amazon rainforest, which stretches from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, and the lowland forests of the Guianas. The bioregion also includes tropical savanna and tropical dry forest ecoregions.


The Northern Andes in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador: Boscos tropicals

The Central Andes in Peru and Bolivia: Boscos tropicals, desert

The Southern Andes (south of Llullaillaco) in Argentina and Chile. Mediterrani, prats de muntanya


[Centre i est del Brasil) Eastern South America Eastern South America includes the Caatinga xeric shrublands of northeastern Brazil, the broad Cerrado grasslands and savannas of the Brazilian Plateau, and the Pantanal and Chaco grasslands. The diverse Atlantic forests of eastern Brazil are separated from the forests of Amazonia by the Caatinga and Cerrado, and are home to a distinct flora and fauna.


Southern South America The temperate forest ecoregions of southwestern South America, including the temperate rain forests of the Valdivian temperate rain forests and Magellanic subpolar forests ecoregions, and the Juan Fernández Islands and Desventuradas Islands, are a refuge for the ancient Antarctic flora, which includes trees like the southern beech (Nothofagus), podocarps, the alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides), and Araucaria pines like the monkey-puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana). These magnificent rainforests are endangered by extensive logging and their replacement by fast-growing non-native pines and eucalyptus.

Deserts, Estepa Patagònia, Boscos temperats de Valdivia, flora subpolar


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