La contemplació de l’art

[esborrany] Meditació

La meva pràctica inclou una primera exploració en la que vaig fent fotos i anotant l’autor, com traçant un mapa d’una terra desconeguda. A vegades m’acompanya música. Idealment faria un descans i després tornaria a fer el recorregut, ara sense fer fotos, aturant-me només a les que m’han comunicat alguna cosa.

The Battle for attention , l’ordre del Tercer Ocell  (descarregat a lectures i notes).

Cada cop som menys capaços de mantenir atenció, 47 segons com a màxim mirant una pantalla. [mirar un instant i seguir endavant, a vídeos de tiktok, a tinder] [ En un món amb tants estímuls hi ha una gran competició per aconseguir l’atenció de la gent]. L’agència de publicitat Dentsu ha desenvolupat tecnologies per mesurar-ho. Actualment els consumidors tene un màxim d’energia de 8 segons.

Years earlier, I had heard of something called the Order of the Third Bird—supposedly a secret international fellowship, going back centuries, of artists, authors, booksellers, professors, and avant-gardists. Participants in the Order would converge, flash-mob style, at museums, stare intensely at a work of art for half an hour, and vanish, their twee-seeming feat of attention complete. (The Order’s name alluded to a piece of lore about three birds confronting a painting by the ancient artist Zeuxis: the first was frightened away, the second approached to try to eat painted fruit, and the third just looked.)

L’autor de l’article intenta contactar i un bon dia rep un missatge per trobar-se en un lloc, coincidir amb altres observadors i fer una pràctica de contemplació de quatre parts de 7 minuts, anunciats per una campana.

  • Encounter: I think of it as entering a party. First, you take a look around the scene.” On arriving at the action site, the Birds wander. The subject of an action is rarely, if ever, identified in advance, but usually it is the most desperate-looking work in sight. (“In a museum, it will be, like, the painting next to the bathroom or on the wall opposite the ‘Mona Lisa,’ ” Burnett told me.) The work is unnamed because the Birds are supposed to find it by paying attention. Those who don’t can follow the flock.
  • Attending: announced by the first bell. “At the party, that’s when you maybe settle into conversation with someone,” Knauss explained. The Birds line up before the work, side by side, in what is known as the phalanx. For seven minutes, they silently give the work their full attention. Three things are discouraged during this period, Knauss told me. “One is what we call studium”—analysis from study. Another is interpretation, and the third is judgment. If Birds find a work offensive (or simply bad), they’re meant to put aside that response.
  • Negation: The second bell heralds the start of Negation, a phase in which Birds try to clear the object from their minds. Some lie down; some close their eyes.
  • Realizing: At the third bell, seven minutes later, the group reconvenes in the phalanx for Realizing. “A good way to think of Realizing is the question: What does the work need ?” In some cases, the answer may be concrete—to be moved to a nearby wall—but it is often abstract. Perhaps a sculpture needs children climbing on it. “It might need you to hear its song,” Knauss somewhat mysteriously noted. At the final bell, the Birds disperse. “Leave the scene, find somewhere quiet to sit, and write down your experience of the four phases,” Knauss said.

Un lector fa notar que les quatre etapes de l’ordre del tercer ocell, Encounter, Attending, Negation i Realizing, es corresponen una mica amb la Lectio Divina dels benedictins: Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio.  Aquí també, la primera trobada amb el text s’absté de trobar-hi significat. Ésnomés a la tercera part quan ens movem a una acció, pregar en el cas de la lectio divina, fer alguna cosa com moure l’obra en el cas del 3ocell.

2024. A l’estiu començo a contemplar les obres de la Gemäldegalerie de Dresde, una cada setmana.

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