Tauleta sumèria de la bugada

Un text acadi trobat a Ur conté un diàleg còmic entre el bugader i el client que ve amb exigències desmesurades:

Atlas Obscura

1. al-kam LU2-TUG2 lu-wa-h,i-ir-ka-a-ma su-ba-ti zu-uk-ki :: Come on clothes washer, I shall give orders to you so that you may clean my garment!

2. sza u-wa-h,i#-ru#-ka la ta-na-ad-di-i-ma :: that (which) I will order you, you shouldn’t ignore and,

3. sza-at ra-ma-ni-ka la te-ep-pe-esz :: that of your own you shouldn’t do.

4. si2-is-si2-ik-tam qa2-ap-si-da-am ta-na#-ad-di :: You will lay out the fringe and hem,

5. pa-nam a-na li-ib-bi-im tu-ta-aq#-qa2-ap :: the front you will beat inwards,

6. qa2-szi-it#-tim ta-la-aq-qa2-at :: the bits you will pick off.

7. me-eh,-h,a-am qa-at,-nam ta-ra-as-sa-an :: A think paste(?) you will soak,

8. i-na# ma-asz-h,a#-li-im ta-sza-ah,-h,a-al :: with a strainer you will strain it,

9. zi-zi-qa2-at qa2-ap-si-ti-im tu#-pa-at,#-t,a#-ar :: the hem of the coat you will open,

10. i-na me-e na-am-ru-tim ta#-di-ik#-x :: with clean water you will sprinkle(?) it.

11. ki-ma ki-im-di-im-ma# xx pa#-ar u3 te#-er# :: When it is limp you will …

12. i#-na# pi2-it-tim ta xx ki-ma# szu-tu xxx bi x :: Immediately you will … and when …

13. [i]-na# me-is#-qi2#-ir-tim# xx al#-ta# … :: in a boiler …

14. x-ku te#-[pa-as,] IM-BABBAR tu# xxx al# :: ?

15. x x UD sza al#….. :: ?

16. i#-na# te#-er-h,i-im ta-da#-ar-x :: in a vessel you will …

17. pi2#-qa2# zi-im-tam te-me#-s,i# … u3 tu-na … :: No matter if you … the appearance(?), and you …

18. i#-na# GISZ#.PA#-ma-nu tu-ta-ar# … :: With a stick of eru-wood you will …

19. sza#-ga#-am na-pa-al-sa3-ah,-tam tu … :: the fallen … you will …

20. szu-ta-am szi#-ip-ra#-am i-na {gesz}SZI-KAK# … ir :: … the work with a …comb(?) …


21. zi-zi-ik-tam ta-sza-at-ta-ak u3 tu-pa-asz-sza-ah, :: the hem you will trim off and spread(?) out.

22. i-na s,i-it li-li-im tu-ub-ba-al :: At the wind’s rising you will dry it,

23. ki-ma szu-tu-um la usz-ta-ak-ka-zu :: (and) when the south wind does not … it

24. i-na sza-ad-di-im i-na pi-it-ni-im ta-sza-ak-ka-x :: in the east wind you will put(?) it on a frame.

25. lu-pu-usz-szu-uh,-kum bi-lam u2-h,a-ad-da-ka ma-di-isz h,u-um-t,a-am :: I will spread(?) you food, I will make you happy very quickly;

26. a-na bi-tim tu-ba-lam-ma BAN2.SZE a-na su2-ni-ka i-sza-ap-pa-[ak] :: you will bring (the finished work) to (my) house, and a seah of barley will be poured into your lap.

27. LU2#-TUG2 i-pa-al-szu asz-szum e2-a be-el ni-im-qi2-im sza u2-ba-la-t,u-[ni] :: The Cleaner answers him: By Ea, master of craftsmanship, who preserves me,

28. e-zi-ib la ia-ti sza ta-qa-ab-bu-u2 um-mi-ni u3 mu-sza-x :: no excepting me (to anybody), what you are talking is stuff and nonsense.

29. sza ki-ma ka-a-ti li-ib-ba-am i-ra-asz-szu-u2-ma# :: Anybody like you who has the heart (to conceive)

30. szi-ip-ra-am ri#-ta-szu i-ka-asz-sza-da u2-la i-ba-asz-szi :: and whose two hands can accomplish (this) work, doesn’t exist;

31. sza tu-wa-h,i#-<ra>-an#-ni szu-un-na-am da-ba-ba-am :: The order you are giving me, to repeat (and) say over,

32. qa2-ba-am u3 tu-ur2-ra-am u2-la e-li-i :: to speak and to recite, I haven’t the power.

33. al-kam e-li-nu-um a-li-im i-na li-it a-li-im :: Come now, upstream of the city, at the edge of the city,

34. ma-ah,-tu-tam lu-ka-al-li-im-ka-ma-me :: I’ll show you a washery;

35. ma-na-h,a-tim ra-bi-tim sza i-na qa2-ti-ka i-ba-asz-szi-a i-na ra-ma-ni-ka szu-ku-un-ma :: the big job which you have in hand, do it by yourself.

36. na#-ap-ta-nu-um la i-ba-a it-ru#-ba-am-ma :: He does not come to the meal but goes in.

37. la#-ki-e LU2-TUG2 ma-du-tim pu-szu-ur :: Cleaner, relax (your) extreme …

38. szum#-ma la at-ta li-ib-bi-ka tu-na-ap-pa-asz :: If you don’t cool off your heart

39. LU2-TUG2 sza i-na-ah,-h,i-t,a-kum u2-la i-ba-asz-szi :: (then), Cleaner, there’s nobody who (can) breathe (a word) to you.

40. i-me-esz szu-ni-iq-qum-ma li-ib-ba-ka-mi :: Oil has spilled over your middle,

41. ih,-h,a-am-ma-at, u3 te-er-szi-tam :: it has become hot, and with …

42. pa-ga-ar-ka sza-mi-it :: your body is stained.



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