Their Lonely Betters. Auden

As I listened from a beach-chair in the shade
To all the noises that my garden made,
It seemed to me only proper that words
Should be withheld from vegetables and birds.

A robin with no Christian name ran through
The Robin-Anthem which was all it knew,
And rustling flowers for some third party waited
To say which pairs, if any, should get mated.

Not one of them was capable of lying,
There was not one which knew that it was dying
Or could have with a rhythm or a rhyme
Assumed responsibility for time.

Let them leave language to their lonely betters
Who count some days and long for certain letters;
We, too, make noises when we laugh or weep:
Words are for those with promises to keep.


Els seus superiors solitaris

Mentre escoltava des d’una gandula, a l’ombra,
els sorolls que al jardí se senten en gran nombre,
em semblà bé que d’aquells mots amb sons tan bells
n’haguessin estat privats vegetals i ocells.

Un pit-roig sense nom va cantar aquell dia
l’Himne del Pit-roig, que era tot el que ell sabia.
les flors feien xiu-xiu i paraven l’orella
per tal de dir qui amb qui trobaria parella.

Cap ocell no era capaç de piular cap mentida,
cap que sabés que se li escapava la vida
o que pogués, pel seu refilet, tal com sona,
assumir responsabilitats una estona.

Que deixin el llenguatge als seus superiors solitaris
que anhelen certes cartes i compten dies ordinaris;
nosaltres també fem sorolls amb el riure i el plor:
els mots són per als qui guarden promeses de debó.

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