Vins blancs

Lleugers, amb cos, afruitats

[Sauvignon blanc / Chardonnay més cos una mica mantega)

Blancs lleugers

These light easy-drinking dry white wines are some of the most-sold wines in the world (even if red wines get more attention). Light whites are like the “beer of wine” and, for this reason, they are perfect to drink with most foods. Some of these wines are perfect for savory lovers (like Sauv. Blanc and Grüner) with green herbal flavors of gooseberry and bell pepper.
What to try
Wines that fit into this category include Pinot Gris (aka Pinot Grigio) and Sauvignon Blanc but they also include many lesser known wines like Grüner Veltliner, Albariño and Soave (“swah-vay”). I would highly recommend looking for a wine from a cool climate region (imagine the places with a rainy month of June). Cool climates produce some of the best examples of this light, zesty style.

Sauvignon blancs: fresc, sec, aromàtic, originari de la Loire.

Gotim Bru Castell del Remei (molt equilibrat, perfecte, sauvignon blanc i macabeu)


Blancs amb cos

Full-bodied white wines are perfect for red wine lovers because of their rich smooth taste with subtle creaminess. What makes them different than light white wines usually involves special winemaking techniques including the use of oak-aging, (just like aged whiskeys, wine becomes smoother with barrel aging too).
What to try
The classic choice for this wine is Chardonnay and particularly Chardonnay from a warmer climate (like California, Spain or Italy). Beside Chardonnay, another great option in this style is Viognie.

Chardonnay: Més rodó i avellutat, variant segons on es cultiva, originari de la Borgonya. Si vous recherchez un vin blanc vif et aromatique, optez pour le Sauvignon. En revanche, si vous préférez un vin blanc plus rond et élégant, le Chardonnay est fait pour vous. [Té un aroma molt penetrant, més “fum” contraposat a l’afruitat lleuger del Rueda]

Abadal Picapoll: un blanc del Bages de gust intens, equilibrat, 8.65 €

Cooperativa l’olivera: Missenyora (macabeu) 13.35€, Agaliu (macabeu més afruitat) 11.10€

Magenc 2016 Cellers de’n Guilla D.O. Empordà. 8.45€

Sumarroca chardonnay. Ramon Roqueta Chardonnay

Clot encís

Jardins Perelada

Blancs afruitats

Aromatic grapes are some of the oldest wine varieties in the world. In fact, Cleopatra is noted for her love of Muscat of Alexandria from Greece–a lovely rich aromatic white wine. These wines have explosive, almost perfumed, aromas that spring out of the glass into your nose. They can be either dry or sweet, but most will taste a touch sweet due to all those perfume-y aromas.
What to try
There are many great aromatic wines to try, and most are shockingly affordable. A few examples of these include Moscato d’Asti, Gewürztraminer, Torrontés (great if you like a more dry style), and Riesling.

Extríssim Bach

Gessamí, Gramona. Afruitat.

A provar

Afruitats: Bufanúvols. Empordà.
Garri. Conca de Barberà.
Perfum. Can Sumoi. Penedès.
Leon Beyer. Alsacia

Blancs amb cos
Terra remota Caminante. EMpordà
Louis Latour. Bourgogne. Chardonnay.
Simonet Febvre petit Chablis. Borgonya.

Flams i cremes


Crema: (2ous+ rovells) + llet, variants. A lligar al forn o amb gelatines

Crema pastissera: 250ml llet + 3 rovells + 75 sucre + 10gfarina + 10g maizena (4 rovells 100g sucre 1 sobre i mig de maizena [opcional les clares pel pa de pessic?)

Crema catalana

 Crema anglesa: 250ml llet + 3 rovells d’ou + 75g sucre pols + 50 ml crema llet
Cremes de fruita: crema pastissera + 200ml nata + 300ml pure fruita

Bavarois: (crema, o puré de fruita amb ous + gelatina) + crema de llet )

crema anglesa cuallada amb gelatina + nata (15g de gelatina en pols en 3 cullerades d’aigua) + crema anglesa (100 sucre + 100 mantega + cullerada suc de llimona + 1/2 vainilla) refredar, colar, afegir-hi 225 ml de nata muntada

500ml de puré de fruita +120g sucre + licor + gelatina
crema de llet 225ml

Flam i Púding

flam:    2ous 2 rovells 30g sucre 1/2 cullerada vainilla 500ml llet, al forn  160º 40 minuts
Púding: crema + molla de pa i pell limon, al forn



  • 100g de farina d’ametlla
  • 200g farina normal
  • 50g sucre
  • 200g mantega [ampliar a 100]
  • 1 ou
  • Pols de canyella

Alternativa de proporcions: 250 g mantega, 100 sucre+100 sucre moreno + 200g farins + 200g farina d’ametlla. cullerada vainilla, 1/2 cullerada de canyella, 1 ou, sal, clau

Barrejar les farines amb el sucre, afegir-hi l’ou i la mantega a mig desfer. Fer dues pilotes, 2/3 i 1/3 i deixar 60m a la nevera (embolicat en film transparent i la forma una mica plana).

Estendre la base, posar-hi mig pot de melmelada, cobrir-ho a tires amb la resta de la pasta (ajuda una espàtula

30m al forn a 180 º

prova 5/6/20, amb proporcions de pasta brisa, 250 farina i 150 de mantega, la pasta se’m trenca una mica i me’n falta per fer tota la graella.

2022: 300g de farines d’ametlla i sense gluten i 200 de mantega


ou sal oli mostassa dijon, llimona, pebre negre


  • afegir curry, barrejar amb nata
  • + anxoves i aufàbrega
  • salsa tàrtara: + pepinillos, tàperes, chalota ben picada
  • allioli: + all
  • salsa rosa: + ketchup, salsa perrins, whisly o conyac, llimona
  • maionesa verda (c.ruscalleda): 200g oli + ou+20g fulles julivert + 20g pebrot verd (també gelatina verda afegint julivert a la gelatina)
  • maonesa emulsionada: separar dues clares d’ou, posar-les a punt de neu, barrejar també amb nata batuda, barrejar suaument amb la maonesa i servir calentó
  • all i oli de pastanaga
  • + aufàbrega
  • maonesa de mandarina,  + almíbar de mandarina 150ml oli 30 g reducció

Vins negres

Conca de Barberà: Gatzara, SCP Montblanc,  Trepat 2014.

Costers del Segre: Gotim bru,  Castell del Remei

Empordà: 5finques Perelada (intens, ric, 13€), 3Finques Perelada

Montsant: Estones set tota la vida

Terra Alta: CLOT, Garnatxa, syrah, carinyena

Alemanys: Müller thurgau Oberrotweiler Käsleberg, WG Oberrotweil, Kais

Negre lleuger

Light-bodied red wines are typically pale in color (you can see through them in a glass) and have very light tannin. FYI, tannin tastes astringent in wine and dries your mouth out in the same way that putting a wet tea bag on your tongue would. For this reason, light red wines are some of the most coveted wines in the world.
What to try
The classic light red wine that most people know is Pinot Noir but, besides that, Gamay Noir is another great wine to try in this category. Gamay is most known by the name of a region where it grows called Beaujolais.

Negre mig cos

Medium red wines are what I like to call “food wines.” They offer up tons of flavor with a balance of zesty acidity which makes them match with a wide variety of foods (from zesty salads to rich and cheesy lasagna). These are the perfect mid-week wines for red wine lovers.
What to try
There are many varieties that span the mid-weight red wine category so, to name a few familiar ones, check out Grenache, Sangiovese, Merlot, Zinfandel, Montepulciano, Cabernet Franc and Barbera.

Negres amb cos

Medium red wines are what I like to call “food wines.” They offer up tons of flavor with a balance of zesty acidity which makes them match with a wide variety of foods (from zesty salads to rich and cheesy lasagna). These are the perfect mid-week wines for red wine lovers.
What to try
There are many varieties that span the mid-weight red wine category so, to name a few familiar ones, check out Grenache, Sangiovese, Merlot, Zinfandel, Montepulciano, Cabernet Franc and Barbera.

A provar

Negres afruitats mig cos
Bufanúvols barrica Emporda
Tresvins Cantenys saba

Negres amb cos
Bufaforats criança. Empordà
Camino de terra remota. Empordà
Clos Adrien de la terra remota
Desea Empordà
Arketipo Empodrà
Sota dels àngels
Dido de Venus la universitat
Martinet Bru de Mas MArtinet
Aitó Siós