A provar

smoothie de taronja: taronja, plàtan o dàtils, iogur (llet de coco), coliflor
barrejar un gelat de vainilla amb una crema de maduixes, memelada o altres fruites.

smoothie: mango, plàtan, iogur grec, suc de pinya o taronja

aletes romaní i parmesà

galetes romaní i parmesà
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary
2 cups (272 grams) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (60 grams) toasted pecans
1/3 cup (30 grams) lightly packed grated Parmesan
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 sticks (8 ounces; 226 grams) cold unsalted butter, cut into small chunks
1 large egg yolk, lightly beaten
Working in a small bowl, rub the sugar and chopped rosemary together with your fingertips until the sugar is moist and aromatic and maybe even tinged with green. Put the flour, pecans, Parmesan, salt and rosemary-sugar in a food processor and pulse to blend. Drop in the pieces of cold butter and pulse until the mixture turns crumbly. Add the beaten yolk a little at a time, pulsing as each bit goes in, then continue to pulse until you have a moist dough that forms clumps and curds.
Turn the dough out and divide it in half. Pat each half into a disk.
Working with one disk at a time, place the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll to a thickness of 1/4 inch. Slide the dough, still between the paper, onto a baking sheet — you can stack the slabs — and freeze for at least 1 hour.
Getting ready to bake: Center a rack in the oven and preheat it to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Have a 1½-inch-diameter cookie cutter at hand.
Working with one piece of dough at a time, peel away the top and bottom papers and return the dough to one piece of paper. Cut out as many cookies as you can and put them on the lined sheet, leaving about an inch between them. Gather the scraps, then combine them with the scraps you get from the second sheet of dough, re-roll, freeze, cut and bake.
Bake the cookies for about 15 minutes, rotating the baking sheet at the midway mark, or until they’re golden and set. Let the cookies rest on the baking sheet for 3 minutes, then transfer them to a rack to cool completely.
Repeat with the remaining dough, always making certain that you start with a cool baking sheet.

Storing: The rolled-out dough can be wrapped well and frozen for up to 2 months; cut and bake directly from the freezer. The baked cookies can be kept in a covered container for up to 1 week at room temperature


llesques amb brie, pernil, una llesca fina de poma i mel especiada

per picar: To get started, combine a creamy goat cheese with mustard, ancho chile powder, honey, and salt, posar-ho sobre trossos d’api i posar a sobre cirera seca (o pipes)

com un banana bread 1 plàtan, 1 ou, 120g farina llevat?
magdalenes de carbassó. 1.66 tasses de farina, 1.5 tassa de carbassó ratllat
bretzels: https://www.markbittman.com/recipes-1/soft-pretzels
bagels: https://www.markbittman.com/recipes-1/bagels (els dos sñon farina amb llevat i es bullen 45s abans de posar al forn)

pasta amb zucchini: carbassó fregit,e s deixa reposar, es remana amb mantega (i tomàquet?) [ es fa a la paella i la pasta es posa al plat amb un motlle ]

parmiggiana reggiano, Parma prosciutto



timballo d’albergínia: https://www.oracibo.com/recipes/eggplant-timballo/    arròs formatge i betxamel  https://www.foodrepublic.com/recipes/make-sicilian-rice-timballo/

pasta alla norma, amb albergínia i ricotta: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1014832-pasta-alla-norma


teriyaki: costelles de porc al forn, cobrir de mel, 150ml soja, 200ml brou pollastre


Sardischer rucola-hackfleisch topf mit tomaten pasta und schafskäse, rucola, carn picada, pasta de tomàquet, formatge blau

Indische apfel mohren cremesuppe möhren (pastanaga) cremesuppe mit curry kürbiskernen (llavors de carabassa) joghurt und frischen koriander [ iogur crema de pastanaga i curry]

Indisches tandoori: huhn gallina zucchini carbassó paprika pebre vermell lauch (porro) reis und joghurt carbassó, gallina,

crema de bròquil (tinc la mousse que es fa simplement amb oli): 1 broquil 1 ceb 1 poma, 200 g nata se sofregeix la poma amb la ceba, s’hi afegeix el bròquil a branques i s’fega, es cobreix d’aigua i es deixa bullir durant 20 min, s’ho afageix la nata. es trutura. Se serveix amb ametlles laminades, nou moscada,

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