Pastanaga indi Gajar Halva

Ingredients: 1 lb.Carrots peeled and thinly grated and sauteed in ghee;Half and Half 1 pint; Sugar to taste sugar; 4 Cardamom pods ground; Raisins handful; Cashew nuts handful; Ghee; Method: 1. Add a little ghee to a frying pan and heat to coat the pan. Roast cashew nuts until golden brown and add the raisins to the pan for a few seconds.Remove the cashews and raisins and keep aside. 2. Add the carrots to the pan and saute the carrots. Add Half and Half, and heat for about an hour. Add cardamom and starting with medium heat, stirring, and lowering the heat after the mixture starts boiling. Heat until almost dry. 3. Add sugar, mix, and continue to cook until the carrot halwa is semi dry. 4. Remove from stove and add cashews and raisins. (half and half és mig llet mig nata)
1¼ hours 10 min prep Change to: servings US Metric; 6

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