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Ebre & kayak The river Stages Links
Ebre 2. From Caspe to Flix, stages 16 to 10
Ebre 1. From Flix to the Sea, stages 9 to 1

The km counting starts at the Sea and go back upstream. You beginn at km 224 in Caspe, or 116.5 in Flix and end at km 0 at the Sea.
In the pages for stages wharfs are signaled as being on the right shore [D] or left shore [E].

In each page there are some pictures that I took when doing the route and there is also a printable PDF to download suitable to be carried in a waterproof bag.

The km labelled at the beginning and end of each stage follow the track along the ebre course. Stages can be longer than this mileage if we paddle an affluent like the Segre or the Matarranya.


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From Caspe to Flix
Stage 16 km 224 Caspe to Camping Lake Caspe (1) km 204 12,6
Stage 15 km 204 Caspe to Camping Lake Caspe (2) km 194 11.1
Stage 14 km 194 Lake Caspe to Mequinensa (1) km 173.4 12.3
Stage 13 km 173.4 Lake Caspe to Mequinensa (2) km 156.4 12.8
Stage 12 km 156.4 Mequinensa to Riba-roja (1) km 136 13.8
Stage 11 km 136 Mequinensa Riba-roja (2)  Matarraña km 131 14.4
Stage 10 km 131 Riba-roja to Flix km 116.5 13.3
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From Flix to the Sea
Stage 9 km 116.5 Flix, Ascó, Vinebre km 101.5 15
Stage 8 km 101.5 Vinebre, Garcia, Móra d'Ebre km 90.3 11.2
Stage 7 km 90.3 Móra d'Ebre, Miravet km 77.7 12,6
Stage 6 km 77.7 Miravet, Benifallet km 66.6 11.1
Stage 5 km 66.6 Benifallet, Tivenys, Xerta km 54.3 12.3
Stage 4 km 54.3 Xerta, Aldover, Bítem, Tortosa km 41.5 12.8
Stage 3 km 41.5 Tortosa, Amposta km 27.7 13.8
Stage 2 km 27.7 Amposta, Deltebre km 13.3 14.4
Stage 1 km 13.3 Deltebre, el mar km 0 13.3

Some of the information has been obtained from the book Activitats d’oci i esports d’aventura al delta de l’Ebre (Cossetània editions).

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